Black-White-Color Effect

23:33 Vallabh 2 Comments

Creating Black-White-Color Combination of Color Photo for focusing on Object

Black-White-Color Effect

Final view

black white color effect

Step 1: 
Take an image to edit in photoshop.

black white color effect -Original Image

Step 2:

Make a duplicate layer pressing Ctrl+J.

And make the layer Black-White, or go to Image ---> Adjustments ---> Gradient Map ---> select black-white colors ---> OK.

(Before making Image Black-white, choose the color from image which is most used or choose the color of object.) 

Step 3:

Now select eraser tool from tool box and erase the RED color areas which are appear on the objective (Player).

Black-White-Color photoshop



  1. OMG i had no idea!!
    this is easy as a piece of cake..
    take my thanks..hope you would continue....
